A couple of weeks ago Carsyn was visiting his dad in Logan and I had to pick him up in Salt Lake. I chose to meet at Temple Square so that Carsyn and I could have a "FHE Fieldtrip" haha We walked around temple square and talked about the importance of temples and took a few pictures. It was a lot of fun and Carsyn loved it. He keeps asking when we can go back to the temple :)

Last Sunday I went to pick up Carsyn from Primary, and his teacher informed me that he had an "accident" and a big heavy wooden table fell on his hand... It was a little bit swollen and starting to bruise at that point but I had hoped it was going to be too bad... Throughout the afternoon and evening it got a lot worse very quickly. His whole hand was swollen and black and blue and he couldn't move his fingers at all. As a mom should, I started to worry and pray that it wasn't broken! We kept ice on it all night and by morning it had doubled in size. I took him to work with me and my dentist took a couple x-rays of it and he said it didn't look broken, just sprained. We had to keep it wrapped the rest of the week and he took very good care of it. It was so sad to see my baby in pain! :( But luckily he is a very strong boy and we both made it through :)
So there ya have it :) The month of October in a nutshell! More posts coming quickly though! Including my awesome camping/hiking trip to Zion National Park!
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